Mother Goose Remembers
by Clare Beaton
That got me thinking, what about geese?
The domestic breeds of geese are not generally capable of flight, although with a good
wind and a running start they can sometimes fly a 4 or 5 foot fence, especially if it's
downhill. And if really scared, (and have a good wind) they might manage to get off the
ground, and if they do some can manage to stay in the air for over a quarter mile!
Pomeranian Geese
Wait, that's a dog breed!!! This ancient German breed is very popular as a market
goose throughout Europe. In Europe it is found in Grey and White but the most popular
and common form is Saddleback. In the USA only the Saddleback varieties are common,
Buff and Grey. The beak, legs and feet should be a deep pinkish-red and the paunch
is single-lobed. These geese are good layers, producing 60-80 eggs in a season. Ganders
weigh 17 to 18 pounds and geese weigh about 15 pounds.
Egyptian geese
I Didn't know there were such things as Egyptian geese! Egyptian geese are small and
active. They are not commonly bred or exhibited. The desired weight is 10 lbs. for an
adult gander 8 lbs. The breed is widely distributed in Africa and may be found from
Egypt to Cape Colony in a wild state. The breed does only fairly well in confinement, and
the ganders are too vicious to be associated with other fowl.